Athlete Services
The SAS has adopted its own version of a holistic approach to sporting development which is relatively modelled on highly successful international organizations, namely the VIS and the AIS.
The Academy programs are coach driven and athlete focused. At the SAS the athlete is considered the priority with families, coaches, administrators, sports science consultants and support service consultants all in place to assist the athletes achieve their sporting and career aspirations.
Strength and Conditioning
Through our experienced coaches, our athletes are set up with personalized programs to enhance their physical capabilities to improve performance. Each personalized program is considerate of their age, gender, sport(s), experience, peak performance periods and de-training.
Athlete Education
The Athlete Education Program is an essential part any sporting program. It provides athletes with sporting, personal and professional development opportunities throughout the year. The sessions are usually held at La Trobe University, Mildura. Coaches and parents are encouraged to attend these sessions with their son or daughter. In addition to this, the service providers are available for individual athletes to follow up with, if required. In addition, there is at times online sessions with presenters through the VIS.
Some of the topics covered as part of the Athlete Education Program:
- Injury Prevention
- Sports Massage
- Nutrition
- Recovery
- Rehabilitation
- Sports Psychology
- Media and Public Relations
- Sporting Pathways
Musculoskeletal Assessments
All athletes in the SAS sport development programs are required to undergo a musculoskeletal screening assessment prior to participating in any SAS related activity. The assessments are completed in order to assess the athlete’s posture and physical strengths and to adopt remedial programs that can effectively overcome any impairments an athlete may have.
Kinetic Exercise Physiology conduct these assessments for our Mildura & surrounding districts Athletes and Mallee Physio for our Swan Hill Athletes. Once completed they are passed onto the Academy’s strength and conditioning consultants in order to devise personalized training programs for each athlete on a need’s basis.